24206 Broken Bow Ln Hockley is valued at around $185k. The home was sold at foreclosure for $120k, resulting in excess funds...
Default Judgment issued: The Erroneous Release is null and void. Several months later, Defaulting Defendants have appeared with counsel
The Plaintiff's sued in ND California Federal Court, but that case has been dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, in part with prejudice.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Gail Killefer's father and family heritage are part of America's One Percenters Who Control America.
The timing of the release of this 5th Circuit erie pub. opinion does not go unnoticed, as the federal court in SDTX...
The hot topic of res judicata is assaulted and abused by a Foxy Justice who's been an Outlaw in the Banana Republic...
The latest mugshot for Harriett Cozean is from Galveston County (2023), where she's arrested for stealin' from Walmart, again.
Mark Hopkins was known as the appellate counsel in this duo when they formed Hopkins Law, PLLC. Then there was an obvious...
Stay tuned for the Gospel according to Texas.
Will Victor Martinez receive a TRO and affordable cash bond in time to stop the auction of 24006 HAY NEEDLE LN HOCKLEY...
Fixer Upper Homes LLC - 13231 BARROW POINT LN HOUSTON TX 77014 scheduled for nonjudicial foreclosure and 503 FLAGHOIST LN - sued...
After the 2012 Harris County lawsuit, James Pereira has been in and out of bankruptcy consistently since 2012 - 2024 (12 years).
LIT disagrees with Judge Stephen Higginson's footnote argument that it would be deemed harmless that the judge did not disqualify himself.
J Gannon Helstowski Law Firm retained by Matthew Fields n' Darinka Fields, but only Matthew is named, setting up nonsuit, switch n'...
In November of 2023, Clay Vilt Officially Resigned from Cases. His Membership at the State Bar of Texas Halted. That Decision was...
Lawyer Robert J Kruckemeyer has held a Texas Bar license for nearly 40 years. He's proceeding to trial in a court lacking...
Fairchild is President of the Rice Military Civic Club. He said brawls are far too common. Now he's in a foreclosure fight...