The Burkes fight for democracy and honest judges is not insular, and like the current Ukraine-Russian war, it affects millions of citizens.
Assignment of the claims back to Petitioners was the only solution to avoid the untenable position of an Indenture Trustee suing itself.
The answer to that question is easy. The 11th Circuit is biased and are protective of their own ochlocracy, rather than the...
The Chief Judge: Should it be established that Mycroft have engaged in the misconduct described, the Court will respond quite harshly.
It would appear that Shelley Hopkins is forging ahead with an old flame, Robert D. Forster II at BDF after ditchin' the...
A new electronic financial disclosure system currently is under development for releasing federal judges financial disclosure reports.
A Public Auction is best or the Property will continue to be a wasting asset that is subject to vandalism - Nope,...
No provision of law limits the jurisdiction of federal appellate courts to allow intervention by a party who was not part of...
The Response is electronically signed by Alexandra L. Tifford on her own behalf and on behalf of Christopher E. Knight and Michael...
Comparing the Honorable Eighth Cir. opinion with the Judicial Outlaws at the Fifth Cir. and Eleventh Cir. shows not all Judges lie...
The Govt hired an expensive law firm, set up a website and then watched and counted as Deutsche Bank issue new loans...
Four 4th Judicial District judges conspired to cover up illegal acts of a law clerk acting under their supervision Marchman states in...
The case fixing allegations against Jones and Sharp came to light in late 2020 after The Ouachita Citizen obtained damning court documents.
The law clerk’s actions appears to be a violation of criminal law and the judges could also be subject to prosecution for...
In the past, the Texas Government has stolen these funds intended for homeowners and moved the cash into the "General Fund".
A 3-Panel consisting of familiar Judges Charles Wilson, Kevin Newsom and R Lanier Anderson defies logic and the law in this perverted...
New lawsuit raps 'lavish' pay, benefits of Texas Bar employees. Says Texas Bar not following recent 5th Circuit decision.
Class action lawyers are not being held accountable for ethical misconduct and barratry-style payments to fellow attorneys.