Harris County Court

All Tangled Up: First Fall, Broken Elbow. Second Fall, Broken Arm. Elissa Now Sues.

Tanglewood at Voss Apartments, 2301 S Voss Rd, Houston, TX 77057 sued for broken elbow and second apartment fall, resulting in a broken arm.



(Court 133)

MAY 19, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: MAY 19, 2022

Personal Injury, Broken Elbow. New Case. Bookmark for Updates.

Judge: Stop the Foreclosure Auction as Bandit Lawyer Delarogue Has a Fake Home Buyer

LIT’s Real Scumbag Series notes Erick Delarue has filed another fraudulent lawsuit in Harris County District Court.

Curry Town’s Mike Razi Shahrokh and Real Scumbag Jerry Schutza in a Ridiculous Theory Real Estate Frenzy

A sole proprietorship is not a person . . . It is not a corporation, partnership or other juridical person. It cannot sue or be sued.

Curry Town’s Mike Razi Shahrokh and Real Scumbag Jerry Schutza Unlawfully Seekin’ to Steal Real Estate

Mike Razi Shahrokh is another Curry Town REI Scumbag and he’s in the right company with sanctioned Texas Lawyer Jerry Schutza.

All Tangled Up: First Fall, Broken Elbow. Second Fall, Broken Arm. Elissa Now Sues.
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