Executive Branch

Justice Seeker’s Trip to ER Last Week Leads to Terrifying Visits By Imposter Doctor to His Bedside

Justice Seeker was visited twice by a person impersonating a doctor for two consecutive mornings and who knew every intimate medical detail.

Who is the Imposter ‘Doctor Aguilar’ who Medically Examined Justice at his Bedside and Provided Medical Assessments and Answered Justice’s Questions?


On Tuesday, 9th August 2022, Justice Seeker had made an appointment with a general practicing doctor to seek advice about why he was feeling very sick. The doctor examined and questioned Justice and advised on the information provided, combined with her examination, Justice needed to go to the ER, right away.

Early that evening, Justice attended Kingwood Hospital Emergency Room at 22999 US Hwy 59 N., Kingwood, TX, 77339.What happened there is subject to a separate war-type story, but eventually Justice was housed in a converted closet with temperatures set at well below freezing with a sheet and requested blanket around midnight.


In the early morning Justice was removed to the general hospital population and into his own room.

After removal, he would be visited shortly thereafter for the first time by Dr. Aguilar. Dr Aguilar would be around 38 years old and built like a stocky U.S. Marine, with broad shoulders leading down to his v shaped abdomen.  He had a heavy Latin American accent and was wearing light blue doctor scrubs with a name/credentials on his top pocket. He was armed with a pen and a small notepad, notably no laptop as most doctors carry.

He arrived in an energetic and engaging manner and knew all of Justice’s medical history, specifically since admittance. He introduced himself as Dr. Aguilar, and he was my lead Doctor during my visit. A short question and answer session would follow and then he performed a quick, hands on body assessment. He summarized his notes, during which he made a couple of unbecoming comments for a doctor, and assured me he would return tomorrow, and then left and fast as he arrived.

Within 30 minutes, a specialist junior Doctor W. arrived to introduce himself. He was carrying a laptop and after another quick question and answer assessment, said he would be back in 30 mins to an hour with his ‘boss’, Dr C. True to his word they came back, with another unknown third individual in tow. During this session, Dr. C. advised he was the lead doctor.

They left and said they would return the following morning.

ER Bed, admitted Tue 9th Aug., 2022


The hospital shift changes at 0700 hours and imposter Doctor Aguilar arrived around 0730 hours, just as Justice was exiting the restroom. His opening sentence was “Good morning Justice, do you remember me?” who replied in the affirmative, “Yes, you’re Dr. Aguilar”, to which he replied, “That’s correct, Doctor Aguilar”.

Justice took a seat at the end of the bed facing the chair which Dr. A sat on, with the same notepad and pen and wearing the same attire. Another update along with a Q & A session took place and he left.

Shortly thereafter, Dr. W. attended for his pre-meeting session and that would be followed by Dr. W, Dr. C. and the unknown staff member returning for an in-depth consultation with Justice. What should be disclosed here is the critical medical results for Justice would be available for Friday morning’s meeting.


Justice hardly slept as he pondered the impending results, hoping for a fast resolution to his medical ailments. After the shift change at 0700 hours however, Dr. Aguilar was notably absent, and he would be a complete no-show that day.

This was followed up with a lengthy delay to Dr. W attending. During this pre-session, Justice questioned why Dr. Aguilar had not attended and to be frank, Dr. W looked completely bamboozled and didn’t address the issue. He returned with Dr C and two other unknown individuals this day.

During this meeting Justice once again raised the question as to why Dr. Aguilar was a no-show on the important ‘results day’ to which he responded with a quizzical look, Dr. Aguilar? He immediately informed Justice that he was the lead doctor on my case and he was not familiar with that name, Dr. Aguilar and despite further specifics from Justice, said he did not know who this doctor was but that he was the lead on this case and continued with the consultation. This immediately alarmed Justice and when they left, Justice instantly performed a doctor search for Dr. A. and came up blank. That is highly unusual, as most admitted hospital doctors are on several local and national platforms like healthgrades.com etc.

But Justice did not have time to dwell on the imposter doctor that day and focused on his own medical health issues and proposed plan by Dr C.


After a Friday evening phone call and strong disagreement between Dr. C and Justice, during the night he mulled his options and elected to self-checkout at around 0700 hours that morning.

Security Meets With Justice, But Not To Protect Him (Wed., Aug 10, 2022)

On returning home, Justice registered with the hospital CRM to access his newly created medical records. Justice noted there was a list of physicians and doctors assigned to Justice. There was no Dr. Aguilar listed.

Kingwood Police Station

At around 1330 hours, Justice walked into his local police station to file a report, as he was extremely concerned about his personal his safety and well-being, along with the breach of his medical records. He was advised by the attending officer that it was change of shift and to return at 1500 hours. Noting the time delay, Justice asked if he needed to provide a written statement and the officer stated that was not necessary. He asked what the issue was. After hearing the brief summary, the officer said, “Come back at 3pm”.

At 1500 hrs Justice returned and the same officer stood in front of him and listened to a fuller account of the events. Justice reaffirmed the most important part of this investigation is to recover the video recordings from the hospital to help identify this imposter doctor.

Shockingly, the officer refused to take the report because ‘no crime had been committed’. Justice challenged the officer, asking for his name and badge and advising him that refusing to take a police report is in violation of the law and which point he paused for a moment and said, “Do you want to speak to a supervisor?” to which Justice responded in the affirmative.

During the 10-15 minute wait, Justice googled whether it was a crime to impersonate a doctor and the response confirmed Justice’s thoughts, it can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on the State and/or facts surrounding the case. Justice believes this crime is a felony due to the alarming events that an imposter doctor can walk into a patients room two days straight without being challenged and armed with every medical detail about that patient and his visitation medical exams and notes.

When the supervising officer came out, it didn’t take long for him to comply and stand down, stating Kingwood police office was a traffic (patrol) office and that only a basic report could be completed, which would be sent to Houston for further investigation. Justice said that’s all he wanted, was a report of the incident. Subsequently, the refusing officer would then take a copy of Justice’s ID, photocopy it and use that sheet of paper to manually ask questions and make notes. He then returned with a receipt and case number. Justice asked him if he was “Officer Brown”, to which he replied ‘Yes”. Justice thanked him for his time and left.

First Ward IV, Friday eve. to early Sat. Morning (12-13 Aug.)

Is Doctor Aguilar an Employee of the US Marshals Service and/or Federal Government stalking LIT’s own Justice Seeker? Or is imposter Dr. Aguilar Acting Alone, or for another Group?

First, y’all that have been monitoring LIT’s blog(s) will know we’ve taken every branch of government to task, in a very fact-detailed and investigative manner.

It has long been known to Justice that LIT’s every movement is being ‘listened to’ by the US Government, from phone to computers, servers, internet and property, including motor vehicles. They know every intimate detail and have unprecedented and apparently unrestricted, but unlawful access to LIT and Justices’ every movement.

Common sense would say that imposter Doctor Aguilar is part of the US Goverment task force assigned to the monitoring of Justice’s medical stay and Justice believes that Dr. A is actually a doctor, probably a former US Marine Corp doctor who played his part to a tee. He knew when to slip in and out (during shift change), when he was less likely to be noticed and when the floor was at it’s busiest time. And he didn’t kill his patient, which he could have easily done, considering the state of Justice at that time, on either day. This doctor was young, physically strong, well-built and could have easily overpowered Justice.

The other, less likely option is that due to LIT’s recent ‘Real Scumbags’ series, which names and shames several prominent Houston doctors, has led to this imposter Doctor visit, yet the reasoning is less known as to what they would benefit from such a risky criminal act.

Finally, LIT is left with the solo actor, which is a possibility, if Dr. A is part of an identity theft scam or similar. LIT assumes Justice would not be the only victim in such a case.

Obtaining the video footing for the period of Justice’s stay is extremely important. However, if the government is involved, the tapes can be professionally sliced and the evidence removed from the timeline and that is a major concern.

And for the safety and well-being of Texans, let’s hope Dr. Aguilar is not a precursor to a Uvalde type event in a hospital setting.

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Waste, Fraud and Nepotism Investigation of US Marshals. Texas Tops the Charts

The report shows that no matter which Gov. Dept, Fraud and Corruption will happen. Judges are no different and This Bill Should be Rejected.

The Senate Judiciary Committee Confirms It Is an Integral Part of the Lyin’ Judiciary

Remember their names; Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, Feinstein, Graham and Kennedy

Justice Seeker’s Trip to ER Last Week Leads to Terrifying Visits By Imposter Doctor to His Bedside
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Awtem

    February 13, 2023 at 8:44 am

    Could it be a student Dr (medical school student) on rotations with the hospital? They usually are not hospital employees but meet patients…

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