BDF Hopkins

The Chief’s Order has Pennymac Goin’ in Circles for Over 921 Days

Despite a very detailed order of foreclosure from the Chief of Mischief, Pennymac or their rogue debt collecting agents ain’t foreclosed.

Jasso Sr. v. PennyMac Loan Services, LLC


District Court, S.D. Texas, Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal

DEC 7, 2018 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: JUN 12, 2022

LIT checked Harris County Property Tax Records for 2022 and JASSO ABELARDO SR is the Owner listed.

Order entered 5 Dec 2019 by Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal granting non-judicial foreclosure, fees and more.

Gary Lee Easley: Legacy of a Fallen Homestead Defender Who Valiantly Battled Against BDF Hopkins

“I’m a long time victim of the same foreclosure mill, surviving 15 foreclosures to date, always involved in some kind of their turbulence.”

Pro Se’s Seeking to Stop Foreclosure of Their Home Were Told to Pony Up 10X Usual Cash Bond

Whether a commercial property subject to millions of dollars or loans, or if its a starter condo: $100 cash bond was set by judge in HCDC.

Bandit Lawyer James Minerve Zooms Into Court With a $1M On His Mind and Leaves with a $1K TRO

Bandit lawyer James Minerve has an offer waitin’ to buy this home in 10 days or less after obtainin’ the TRO but he’s not provided a contract.

The Chief’s Order has Pennymac Goin’ in Circles for Over 921 Days
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