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LIT’s Texas Federal Foreclosure Tracker is Now Following ‘Mandy’

It’s early stages for Mandy, who’s up against Dykema and PHH Mortgage Corporation in W.D. Texas Federal Court after removal from State Court.


This case is dead. Just waiting for an order from the court.

As at 11/29/2021 there is no movement on the docket past Doc. 6. In summary, homeowner and/or their lawyer has failed to respond since removal.

As expected, on Monday, Dec 6, 2021, judgment entered, dismissed with prejudice in favor of PHH et al.


This action was considered by the Honorable Xavier Rodriguez, and the following Judgment is rendered. It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that:

Plaintiffs Mandy Anderson Lopez and 3rd Floor Territories, LLC shall take nothing by their claims against Defendant PHH Mortgage Corporation, and Plaintiffs claims are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE.

Mandy Anderson Lopez v. PHH Mortgage Corporation


District Court, W.D. Texas

AUG 12, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: SEP 16, 2021


Defendant, PHH Mortgage Corporation (“PHH MC” or “Defendant”), files this Advisory to the Court regarding the Standing Order Concerning Removed Cases.

Defendant PHH MC was not formally served with summons/citation prior to removal, nor has PHH MC been formally served to

No defendants were served prior to the time of removal that are citizens of PHH MC is the only defendant and is not a citizen of Texas.

No defendants were served prior to the time of removal who did not formally join in the notice of PHH MC is the only defendant.

This case was removed from Bexar County, Texas.

Dated: August 13, 2021                                         Respectfully submitted,



/s/ Brett W. Schouest                     

Brett W. Schouest
Attorney in Charge State Bar No. 17807700
112 E. Pecan, Suite 1800
San Antonio,
Texas 78205
Telephone: (210) 554-5500
Facsimile: (210) 226-8395

Amelia H. Marquis
Texas State Bar No. 24097512
1717 Main Street, Suite 4200
Dallas, Texas 75201
Ph: (214) 462-6400
Fax: (214) 462-6401




I hereby certify that the foregoing document has been served on the following counsel of record via the court’s ECF filing system, via mail and via email on August 13, 2021, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure:

Scott Simpkins
The Simpkins Law Firm
816 Camaron, Suite 1.15
San Antonio, Texas 78212

/s/ Brett W. Schouest         

Brett W. Schouest

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LIT’s Texas Federal Foreclosure Tracker is Now Following ‘Mandy’
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