LIT's sat back and watched as DHI's cases are all slowly removed to federal court, but DHI forfeited the right to transact...
In November of 2023, Clay Vilt Officially Resigned from Cases. His Membership at the State Bar of Texas Halted. That Decision was...
A Deep Dive into the Creative Accounting Behind Lawyer Kruckemeyer's Calculations of Lost Income—Thanks to LIT's Honest, Hard-Hitting Exposés
The Order is overbroad because it enjoins Defendants from foreclosing for 64 days and violates Rule 680 of the Texas Rules of...
Bonial notice Nicole Trahan's inherited home for nonjudicial foreclosure auction in December 2024 on behalf of Bank of America.
Mike Huff claims that the assignments of his loans to new mortgage servicers created an accounting discrepancy leading to foreclosures.
Former attorney at Abraham Watkins, debt collector Jay Jackson of Burford Perry even stalked Bailey's home as part of his recorded timesheet.
Brett Grabner is listed as owner of Grabner Land Co and Leisure Getaways. He's retained Bandit Robbin' Newark as lawyer in this...
Bob’s private law practice focuses on debt collection, however this is intermingled as a trusted wingman for both Texas and the US...
This case involved video surveillance footage showing theft of property and has moved to include desposing custodians at HCSO
Restrictin' the original complaint, motions and orders in Harris County District Court is becomin' standard practice for select litigants.
Barack Obama: We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media. He's urged Biden regime to declare a national emergency.
Lawyers representing their own business interests pro se should not be allowed (and wherein they can claim attorney fees too). Period.
Williams has owned the home since 1988. His wife has dementia, cancer and living in a nursing facility. JPM and BDF claim...
Michael Jordan and his Bandit Lawyer, Jeffrey Jackson return to Harris County District Court, this time with Uvalda Jordan.
Based on Noack Law Firms' website, there's evidence of non-attorneys working at the firm and revenue is likely mainly from debt collecting.
The new JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about HOA's unlawful fines and harassment, but without a shred of evidence filed as...
It's pass the parcel between Bandit foreclosure defense lawyers, aka ten dollar title deed scammers, as Texas Attorney George Oggero appears.