LIT's sat back and watched as DHI's cases are all slowly removed to federal court, but DHI forfeited the right to transact...
Jeff Jackson argues that Shellpoint is acting in a dual capacity, as mortgagee and mortgage servicer, which ain't allowed in Texas law.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
DHI Holdings Seeks to Stop 3 More Foreclosures in One Petition in Harris County District Court
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
Sandy Forsythe and Justina De Pasquale of New Millennia Properties Switch out Trustees including con man Brian Brewer on Oct. 25, 2024.
Its the real estate theft by All About who've arrived from India and buying up all the giveaway real estate they can...
Michael Jordan and his Bandit Lawyer, Jeffrey Jackson return to Harris County District Court, this time with Uvalda Jordan.
Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. (SPS) has struck a deal to acquire certain assets of Texas-based Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC.
And you don't have to look far to see the shady foreclosure defense lawyers involved, like Robert Clay Vilt of Vilt and...
It is shameful that we see Residential Affordable Apartments being sold for cents on the dollar to REITS, Wall St, or Foreign...
It is appalling that we see Residential Affordable Housing stock being sold for cents on the dollar to REITS, Wall St, or...
Opinion authored by Frances Bourliot, elected to 14th in 2018, began her legal career with Texas Defender Service and Texas Innocence Network
With so many cases percolatin' with so many judges, the departing (retiring) judge Vanessa Gilmore put herself forward to deal with Kafi.