The Plaintiff has a buyer ready, who is paying for James Minerve legal fees. There's also a $25k second lien in Oct....
Stop foreclosure filing by Bandit lawyer Jason Leboeuf in Harris County regarding a 10 year old unpaid mortgage on estate property.
After Hurricane Harvey it is alleged that PHH Mortgage locked out Robins from her home. She still lists the home as her...
Page 2-3 of the Complaint states that Tommy Willbern has always paid his mortgage on time and is an upstanding citizen and...
It looks like Harris County District Court Judge Lauren Reeder may be filtering foreclosure defense cases. This is a new development.
It looks like Harris County District Court Judges may be filtering foreclosure defense cases. This is a new development we are watching.
As the rental income keeps flooding in, the courts are receiving commission kickbacks from bandit lawyer Clay Vilt.
New stop foreclosure case. Jeffrey Payne is bankin’ on a legal foreclosure defense bandit lawyer to help him stay in his home.
Did the Plaintiffs' prove that the Law Offices of Thomas J. Burbank and Thomas J. Burbank are debt collectors?
LIT's Real Scumbag Series notes Erick Delarue has filed another fraudulent lawsuit in Harris County District Court.
Brett Grabner is listed as owner of Grabner Land Co and Leisure Getaways. He's retained Bandit Robbin' Newark as lawyer in this...
Without the TRO, this property will be sold through the applicable foreclosure auction process. The property is being sold as is.
As admitted by Lawyer James Minerve, the sole purpose of this filing was to stop the foreclosure auction so investor could acquire...
If you're a homeowner with no legal basis for your lawsuit but you want more time in your home, you can find...
Stop foreclosure: 20514 Morning Creek Dr, Katy, TX 77450.
Sam Conner files pro se as trustee for the estate of Rosalie Conner, after his last court case was dismissed in federal...
Intervenor Plaintiffs seek to modify the protective order so that they can access materials produced by Ocwen in this case - granted.
LIT's reviewing the blind draw system at S.D. Tex. Federal Courthouse. It certainly appears that the draw is not blind, it's calculated.