Judge Jeff Brown, Mayor of Galveston's Order concludes: Given the lack of complete diversity, the court hereby dismisses this case.
Page 2-3 of the Complaint states that Tommy Willbern has always paid his mortgage on time and is an upstanding citizen and...
They are gamblin' on the fact if they pad another $120k in fees, that allows judge to lodestar "reduce" to full original...
The Court finds that it should award Plaintiffs $1,000.00 in statutory damages, $9,000 in punitive damages, attorney fees and expenses.
Engagement of Attorneys allowed Plaintiffs to submit a feasible plan, disburse a total of $105, 877.52 to creditors and receive a discharge.
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...
Chase’s 2013 proposed repayment plan and its 2014 request for less than the full amount owed is an intent to abandon its...
The industry trade groups challenging the CFPB’s final rule on Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans (the Rule) have filed...
Florida Plaintiffs argue Count V attempts to hold Ocwen liable for knowingly maintaining and relying on REALServicing to its own benefit and...