After Deutsche Bank escaped from a default judgment on Appeal (again) at State Court, they've removed this case to Federal Court.
The law clerk’s actions appears to be a violation of criminal law and the judges could also be subject to prosecution for...
Class action lawyers are not being held accountable for ethical misconduct and barratry-style payments to fellow attorneys.
Diogu shipped several vehicles overseas, including a Porsche and a Hummer and claims they are outside this Court’s jurisdiction.
Burch is again warned that additional frivolous or abusive filings in federal court[s] will result in the imposition of further sanctions.
The Fifth Circuit panel of Judges Graves, Haynes and Stewart bemoaned foreclosure appeals, yet it's lawyers who are removing from State court,
Compare, for example, the foreclosure case of Rob authored by Judge Stephen Higginson in 2018 which reversed and rendered for homeowners.
A recent Fifth Circuit Panel comprising judges Stewart, Haynes and Graves moaned about foreclosure cases in federal courts. Here's why.
LIT highlighted Davis in March of 2021 in a 5th Circuit case before Owen, Chief Judge, and Graves and Ho, Circuit Judge....
The Wilders’ irresponsible and inflammatory accusation is a contemptuous insult to the federal district court, Judge Ada Brown, N.D. Texas.
LIT's foreclosure tracker is watchin' Robert F. Strange versus Deutsche Bank National Trust Company before Judge Eskridge in SDTX.
When is a settlement agreement not a settlement agreement? When it involves a foreclosure, a bank and the Fifth Circuit.
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
PHH's alterations to the Property included the removal of a floor that rendered the Homeowners Property dangerous and uninhabitable.
Chase’s 2013 proposed repayment plan and its 2014 request for less than the full amount owed is an intent to abandon its...
Foreclosure Fee Scheme 2021: That said, there does not appear to be an affidavit in support of Attorney Fees from the Lawyers...
The U.S. magistrate appointed to the bench in the Eastern District of Texas in 2004 found the Episcopal Church in his 20s...
I do not agree that the Reinagels’ forgery argument is a red herring. - Judge James Graves Jr., Fifth Circuit, Reinagel v...