County: Robert Berleth’s implausible theory requires everyone do nothing to allow him to remove the funds and convert them to cyber currency.
Judge Barbara Lagoa, a Trump appointee, asked whether upholding Hinkle’s ruling also required the appeals court to strike down Amendment 4.
The judges participation in the Fl. case appears to violate the code of conduct for United States judges the 10 democratic senate...
Buried: In this case, the convicted felon lawyer has consented - how noble - to a conveniently backdated suspension. He is not...
Shapiro spearheaded and concealed an enormous Ponzi scheme through his business, Woodbridge. Woodbridge employed approximately 130 people and had offices located throughout...
The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that federal courts possess the inherent power to vacate their own judgments upon proof that a...
All rights secured to citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary.
THE JUDICIAL OATH: In sum, the Committee advises that formal affiliation with the American Constitution Society or the Federalist Society, whether as...
Trump’s already had five appointees to the court, it’s already a much more conservative court than before and it might be the...
This violated the FDCPA’s prohibition against using false, deceptive, or misleading representation[s] including by making false representations about the character, amount, or...
Unauthorized Practice of Law in Texas
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
Director of foreclosure mill Galloway, and creditor rights lawyer to Wall Street mortgage lenders, he claims his clients are clouding titles.
Brazoria CAD offline right now, will circle back...
Employees testified that they forged customer signatures, notary signatures, and even forged dead people’s signatures on many documents.
Texas attorney Jason Andrew Powers works for biglaw firm Lewis Brisbois and focuses on auto accident lawsuits.
Sec. 392.101. BOND REQUIREMENT. A third-party debt collector may not engage in debt collection unless they obtained a surety bond (1997).
The Chane of Investment in LLC's has grown exponentially since 2019, once Judge Alfred H Bennett's spouse ditched BP for real estate.