Hecht: The framers of the Constitution mistrusted the power of government, so they divided it among three Branches, intending them to be...
Non prisoner Lamell obtains a partial reversal in his favor from a 3-panel which capitulated from their earlier opinion. LIT investigates why.
Supreme Chief Justice Nathan Hecht and Fifth Circuit Chief Judge Priscilla Owen to Marry. Recent opinions from Certified Questions in Doubt.
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
Transactional lawyers counsel individuals and organizations on the legal issues generated by their business dealings.
The judiciary have their own version of the U.S. Constitution. Here's the correct and honest version which should be applied in matters...
When the Texas Supreme Court said yes to equitable subrogation for lenders to steal homes in a new precedential opinion, it affirmed...
The bank foreclosed on this Texas homeowner and was granted judgment of possession in the eviction case post-foreclosure, but then rescinded.
In enacting the Texas Tort Claims Act the legislature waived sovereign immunity in limited circumstances involving the use of publicly owned automobiles,...
More than 1.9 million people have filed unemployment claims with the state in the past two months but Texas says Evict the...
Unfortunately, in this case, the client unwittingly relied upon bad professional legal advice, which is apparently not a good argument for a...
A review of partisan and politically corrupted Judge Don R. Willett of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and data...
ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD before Judges Haynes, Graves, Ho. Arguing Person Information Updated for: Daron L. Janis arguing for Appellant Federal Home Loan...
Where we rely on Texas Courts of Appeals opinions, we have determined not [to] depart from their holdings because we find them...