
Debt Collector Law Firm BDF’s Manufactured Homes Letter is a Warning to all Mobile Home Owners

LIT suggests a Class Action is necessary to prevent further Injustices and theft of property belonging to hard-working Citizens of America.

Dear Frank and All Manufactured Home Owners. Seek Legal Advice Now.

The Writing is Clear and Obvious. Wall Street’s Getting All the Legal Paperwork Ready, Early. LIT suggests a Class Action is Necessary to Prevent further Injustices and theft of property belonging to hard-working, tax-paying, Citizens of America.

SEP 21, 2021

LIT received an inquiry from Frank on September 21, 2021, regarding a letter from BDF, the debt collection and foreclosure mill in Addison, Texas. He allowed LIT to republish this letter (redacted) in order to alert people and find out more about what’s going on in relation to titling Manufactured homes, otherwise known as Mobile Homes in Texas and other states generally.

Frank also advised LIT,

‘The loan was originally through WF (Wells Fargo). I spoke to them and they have no record of retaining any type of counsel. They said that my mortgage is good to go and that as far as they are concerned, all is well. I am faxing them the letter.’

That sounds very similar to the type of response banks provided after the 2008 Financial Crisis, when stressed homeowners called their mortgage lenders and servicers. However, banks lied repeatedly back then and it doesn’t sound authentic in Frank’s case a decade later, either.

Diaz, “I’ve seen that at least 50 times, where the lender tells the borrower not to pay, we won’t foreclose and then they do….”

Judge Priscilla Owen at Oral Argument, 5th Circuit.

Remember, Wells Fargo has only recently been fined again, this time $250 million for ‘oversights’ on it’s mortgage business arm.

You see, the concern here is Wall Street, e.g. Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, who owns all the main mobile home financing houses like Clayton  and Vanderbilt.

Then there’s the securitization angle, and the fact Frank received this letter out the blue – not from the bank or servicer, but from a debt collecting law firm known as a foreclosure mill and without as much as a disclaimer to seek legal advice.

Undoubtedly, it looks to LIT that liberties are being taken and very possibly laws are being broken. Most people won’t question the legality of this statement of ownership and forced title of manufactured homes without due consent and an opportunity to seek legal advice and refer to the laws and statute(s).

LIT suggests 60 days is not proper notice for such a material and sudden change (why was this paperwork not executed at point of sale /closing ) which affects manufactured home ownership and those who call it home.

Is the admitted Debt Collector’s intentions honest and pure in the middle of an international pandemic?

Or, more realistically, has Wells Fargo instructed BDF to ensure all the legal paperwork is in perfectly in place – unlike during the Financial Crisis in 2008 – because Wells Fargo plan to record your lien and title your manufactured home so they can (a) pool manufactured home loans and resell/flip quickly for real property value (e.g. to pay all these mounting fines for lending abuses), and/or; (b) foreclose on your home using foreclosure mills like BDF Law Group (Barrett Daffin Frappin Turner & Engel) who manufacture all affidavits and necessary paperwork to ensure a ‘rocket docket’ foreclosure.

Certainly, in LIT’s personal opinion, there is no good intention here, that’s for sure.

This is the first time LIT has seen three lawyers at BDF listed on the letterhead in such a fashion. Does anyone have any information as to why? We’d love to hear from you and so would those receiving these letters.




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Debt Collector Law Firm BDF’s Manufactured Homes Letter is a Warning to all Mobile Home Owners
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